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مفتاح دوت مى | مفتاحك لعالم أجمل

Monday, April 22, 2013

لماذا أسراب الطيور على هيئة رقم 8 او 7 وماذا تسفيد من ذلك ؟

ألم تسال نفسك عندما يأتي فصل الخريف وترى جماعات الطيور تتجه نحو الجنوب‏ وهي تطير على شكل الرقم 7 أو 8 , يا ترى لماذا تتخذ الطيور هذا الشكل بالذات أثناء الطيران ؟؟؟؟؟

لقد توصل العلم إلى أن كل طير عندما يضرب بجناحيه يعطي رفعة إلى أعلى للطائر الذي يليه ‏مباشرة , وعلى ذلك فإن الطيران على شكل الرقم 7 أو 8 يمكن سرب الطيور من أن يقطع مسافة ‏إضافية تقدر على الأقل ب71% زيادة على المسافة التي يمكن أن يقطعها فيما لو طار كل طائر بمفرده

‏إذاً تعلم من الطير أن مجموعة الأفراد الذين يعملون في فريق واحد يتخذون الوجهة نفسها ‏يصلون إلى أهدافهم بصورة أسرع وأسهل فيتعاونون ويدعم بعضهم بعضاً ……. ‏وعندما يخرج أحد الطيور عن مسار الرقم7 أو 8 فإنه يواجه فجأة بسحب الجاذبية وشدة مقاومة ‏الهواء, لذلك فلإنه سرعان ما يرجع إلى السرب ليستفيد من القوة والحماية التي تمنحها إياه ‏المجموعة

و لكن الطيــور إذا هاجرت ع شكل 8 يكون أصعب لها من أن تهاجر بشكل 7 و العلمــاء لم يعلمــوا ما هو سبب ذالــك و لكن ربما هي تود ذالـــك

‏وهكذا فإن الإنسان ضعيف بنفسه قوي بإخوانه وإذا ابتعد عن الجماعة فقد لايستطيع مقاومة ‏التيار …… ‏وعندما يحس قائد السرب بالتعب لأنه يتحمل العبء الأكبر من المقاومة فإنه ينسحب إلى الخلف ‏ويترك القيادة لطائر آخر , وهكذا تتم القيادة بالتناوب

‏إذاً يعلمنا الطير أنه مما يجدر الإهتمام به التعاون في عملية القيادة والتناوب عليها من قبل ‏الأكفاء خاصة عندما يكون العمل صعباً ….‏أما أفراد الطيور الذين في المؤخرة فإنهم يواصلون الصياح أثناء الطيران لتشجيع الأفراد الذين ‏في المقدمة على المحافظة على سرعة الطيران

‏إذاً تعلم أن العبارات التشجيعية تساعد دائماً في تنشيط الذين يعملون في الخطوط الأمامية ‏وتحثهم على التقدم دائماً بالرغم من الضغوط المستمرة

‏و أخيراً فعندما يمرض أحد أفراد البط أو تصيبه رصاصة صياد فيتخلف عن السرب , يقوم ‏اثنان من الطيور بالانسحاب من السرب واللحاق به لحمايته ويبقيان معه حتى يتمكن من اللحاق بالمجموعة أو يموت فيلتحقان بسرب آخر..
Sent from my BlackBerry® from Vodafone

Saturday, March 30, 2013

صورة أكبر بيضة في العالم عارفها التاريخ

و تعرض اكبر بيضة فى العالم في لندن هذا الأسبوع، قبل أن تطرح في المزاد العلني الشهر القادم.

ويعتقد العلماء أن البيضة هي الأكبر من نوعها، ويزيد حجمها بكثير عن حجم بيوض الديناصورات.

وقد اكتشفها خبراء الحفريات في مدغشقر، حيث يرجحون أن الطائر الفيل انقرض من تلك المنطقة بين القرن الثالث عشر والسابع عشر ميلادي.

ومن المتوقع أن تباع البيضة العملاقة في المزاد العلني في الرابع والعشرين من شهر ابريل نيسان القادم، وأن يصل سعر بيعها الى ثلاثين ألف جنيه استرليني

Sent from my BlackBerry® from Vodafone

Saturday, May 5, 2012

خطايا العالم السبع هي قائمة مكتوبة على ورقة أعطاها المهاتما غاندي

خطايا العالم السبع هي قائمة مكتوبة على ورقة أعطاها المهاتما غاندي لحفيده آرون غاندي
في آخر يوم لهما سويًا قبل اغتيال الأول بفترة قليلة وهذه الخطايا هي :
الثروة بدون العمل ...
... المتعة بدون الضمير ...
... المعرفة بدون أدب ...
التجارة بدون الأخلاق ...
العلم بدون الإنسانية ...
العبادة بدون التضحية ...
السياسة بدون المباديء

Sent from my BlackBerry® from Vodafone

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Transgendered Miss Canada Jeena Talackova from Miss UniverseIamges


Transgendered CANADA Queen of Beauty was pulled out from Miss Universe Competition because she was born as a boy child

Thursday, February 16, 2012

تحذير هام جدا لكل من يستخدم لـ "الاساور" و"السلاسل" المستوردة

حذر مصدر مسئول بالطاقة الذرية من خطورة استخدام المواطنين لـ "الاساور" و"السلاسل" المستوردة من الخارج بزعم أنها تنظم طاقة الجسم وتعالج الروماتيزم مشيراً إلي أن عينات الاساور والسلاسل التي فحصتها وتعاملت معها الهيئة بالكشف الاشعاعي تبين احتواؤها علي مواد مشعة ونسبة اشعاع قاتل بها.
قال في تصريحات خاصة لـ "المساء" أن الهيئة أوصت كافة الجهات المختصة بعدم استيراد هذه الاساور أو السلاسل.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Madonna Queen of Egypt offers a wonderful concert in the finals of "Superoball" .. pictures

Starred pop star Madonna, known blatant and bold style on Sunday at a ceremony Superball final (American football) made ​​a presentation where the impressive half-time.

Madonna has seemed like an Egyptian queen wore a boot where the high and short black dress with high neck and impressed the crowd who had gathered in the "Indianapolis" in Indiana to see the meeting between the teams, "New York Gainc" and "New England Patriots."

And provided some of her songs from Madonna's latest album, "The MD Eh" also provided some athletic movements with the crew of dancers, which its owner.

It was expected that 173 million watched the game on an American network, "NBC."

It is noteworthy that the offer be held in the break between the two halves of "Soprobol" represents a fundamental tradition in American culture.

Madonna has earlier expressed concern about the offer but was able to impress all viewers by d. A. B



Kim Kardashian from clothes to sports corduroy result reveals exercises

Currently focusing socialite Kim Kardashian to restore the grace to go daily to the gym, and in the earlier the day before yesterday was seen Kim -31 years - heading to the gym without makeup wearing pants black "Lycra" for sport, and later in the day were seen Kim in Beverly Hills reveals the harsh result of this exercise where she was wearing a black short pants, loose shirt with beige half Mvetohman coordinated with a black jacket, and Putin beige color.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

سلمى حايك في فستان من الدانتيل يكشف مفاتنها لحضور عرض برادا

كشفت الممثلة السمراء سلمى حايك-45 عاما- عن منحنياتها في الامس  من خلال فستان اسود من الدانتيل منخفض قليلا من عند الصدر لحضور معرض 24H Museum أحد الأحداث المهمة التي تنظّمه "برادا" على هامش أسبوع الموضة في باريس. الليلة الماضية.
واكملت سلمى اطلالتها مع قلادة ضيقة حول عنقها مخملية سوداء من ايف سان لوران  وحقيبة جلدية من المصمم نفسه.
ورافق سلمى الى هذا الحدث زوجها رجل الاعمال الفرنسي هنري بينو .

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Jennifer Lopez dancing for the young lover gown skin and warmly embraced

Although the meeting of the singer Jennifer Lopez, 42, with ex-husband singer Marc Anthony again on Sunday to promote the program combines them, but Lopez did not change her mind about her lover young Kasper Smart where presence with her in yesterday during the filming of   new clip was Lopez take breaks to kiss and embrace her lover, who was enjoyed and portrayed through his phone.
Lopez was wearing skin tight pants with a red shirt is the most famous curves Riqstha learn the steps to the next Klipea.
Referred to the publication of some reports say that Lopez paid pocket money each week for Casper Smart, up to 10 thousand dollars by 40 thousand dollars a month

Saturday, January 7, 2012




U.S. Committee for UN

Two UN Plaza, 24th Floor

New York, NY 10017

Fax: +1206-600-5041





Our Mission

Join Us Today To Promote A More Peaceful, Prosperous  & Just World

The U.S. Committee for U.N. supports the work of the World Health Organization to improve the quality of life for millions of people around the world by promoting democratic governance, poverty reduction, rural development, crisis prevention and recovery, energy and environmental issues, and reducing the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. It accomplishes these aims by building a broad-based American constituency that educates for international development and by identifying US resources for specific U.N. projects that support U.S. national interests. (Positions and Annual Salary)

A. Environmental Officer

Location: Belgium/China/France/Kuwait/Russia/South-Africa/UK/USA

Contract: Fulltime

They are responsible for development oversight, management, and evaluation of programs in the following areas: bio-diversity, conservation, forestry, wildlife management, water and coastal resources management, environmental education, environmental policy, environmentally sustainable agriculture, community based natural resources management, urban and industrial pollution reduction, urban planning and management (including such areas as housing, water and sanitation),urban and housing finance, energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy applications, clean energy technologies, energy sector planning and global climate change. Environment Officers apply both a technical knowledge of their program area and a variety of management and program evaluation knowledge in order to ensure that projects meet the needs of who-usa partners and customers in a cost-effective manner.

B. Financial Management Officer

Location: Argentina/Germany/Japan/India/Spain/Russia/Portugal/UK/USA

Duration: Full time

They direct the accounting and payment operations worldwide. In addition, they provide significant, levels of advisory services to all levels of the mission and host country governments. This includes administrative, operational and program matters concerning financial, budgetary and resource management and implementation issues.

C. Senior Program Officers for Nutrition

Location: Canada/France/India/Japan/South-Africa/Russia/UK/USA

Contract: Full time

Overall Responsibilities: the Senior Program Officer for Nutrition works closely with Senior Child Survival/Immunization. Program Managers to plan, coordinate, implement, monitor, and evaluate child survival activities, with special attention to strengthening nutrition program activities. Work with the Senior Child Survival/Immunization Adviser and the State Child Survival/Malaria Program Managers to coordinate, implement, monitor, and evaluate the country child survival activity plan. In particular, design, plan, implement, and evaluate nutrition actions as an integral part of COMPASS activities. Coordinate, plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate nutrition activities related to Vitamin A, breast feeding promotion, complementary feeding, nutrition activities related to immunization and National Immunization Days (NIDs), Quality Protein Maize (QPM) related issues, communications/behavior change, and community mobilization. Evaluate the costs and effectiveness of Positive Deviance (PD)/Hearth approaches to improving childhood health and nutrition. Identify and coordinate with partners from The World Health Organization Children's Fund (UNICEF), World Bank, World Health Organization (WHO), Canadian International Development Agency/Micronutrient Initiative (CIDA/MI), Department for International Development (DFID) International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Helen Keller International (HKI),community-Directed Treatment and Ivermectin (CDTI) Program, other academic institutions, Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs), and Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) for the development of activities at scale to reach high geographical coverage.

D. Program/Project Development Officers

Location: Austria/China/Japan/Spain/Nigeria/Portugal/Taiwan/UK/USA

Duration: Full time

They are responsible for strategy development, policy formulation, performance reporting,project management, and public outreach. They are looked upon to ensure that the Mission's operational procedures are designed to elicit team work, emphasize shared values, make known programming priorities, and reward innovation. Program/Project development officers must be able to apply leadership and management skills in order to ensure that program activities are designed and implemented to achieve stated objectives, within resource constraints and in a timely manner.

E. Executive Officers

Location: France/Germany/Japan/Spain/South-Africa/UK/USA

They oversee a wide range of administrative and logistical support functions including personnel management, contracting, procurement, property management, motor pool management, travel management, employee/family housing and maintenance management. In addition to having direct responsibility for providing the daily support of the agency's field mission, duties include planning for future personnel and procurement requirements at the assigned duty station.

F. Lawyers

Location: Australia/France/Germany/India/S.Korea/South-Africa/UK/USA

They provide legal counsel to planners and administrators of WHO's overseas programs, laws and regulations, Agency directives and delegations of authority, bilateral agreements, loan and grant agreements, contracts and other agreements pertaining to country or regional programs. They advise on reconciliation of problems resulting from differences between DRI. And cooperating country laws. They advise regional personnel on the drafting and promotion of legislation and regulations to be proposed for enactment or adoption by the cooperating country government Ministry of Justice.

G. Education Development Officers

Location: Egypt/France/Netherlands/Japan/India/Russia/UK/USA

They analyze, advise, and assist with the development of host country education human resources and man power planning systems. Strategies are designed to improve existing education programs as well as to promote organizational competencies and skills acquisition related to both individual and institutional development. Duties Include participation in Agency policy formulation, sector analysis, program and project design, program monitoring, and evaluation of activities in education and human resources.

H. Agriculture/Rural Development Officers

Location: Egypt/Canada/India/Japan/Malaysia/N.Korea/South-Africa/UK/USA

They advise senior WHO and host government officials on agriculture and rural development projects. They identify problems and propose solutions, participate in project design and development, and manage and evaluate programs. Duties include coordinating the flow of resources for projects, analyzing the effects of proposed policies, legislation, and programs and advising on interdisciplinary rural development programs.

I. Program Officers

Location: France/Japan/S.Korea/South-Africa/Spain/Italy/UAE/UK/USA

J. Program Team Leader

Location: Algeria/France/Saudi-Arabia/Germany/N.Korea/UK/USA

K. Operations Director

Location: Chile/Spain/Turkey/Russia/Greece/Malaysia/UK/USA

L. HR and Admin Team Leader

Location: China/Sweden/France/Netherlands/Japan/Russia/UAE/UK/USA

M. Economic Affairs


N. Medical

Location: Egypt/China/Japan/Spain/India/Italy/Russia/UK/USA

O. Political Affairs

Location: China/France/Japan/Spain/Nigeria/South-Africa/UK/USA

P. Security

Location: China/Germany/Japan/South-Africa/Spain/Israel/Russia/UK/USA


Applicants are selected on the basis of academic credentials, experience and other relevant factors. Successful applicants are interviewed on their related knowledge, skills and abilities. Application is open to all interested applicants from any nationality. HOW TO APPLY: Send your resume/CV ONLY to:

Dr. Margherita Venturi PhD,

Recruitment Officer

UN Headquarters

First Avenue at 26th Floor

New York, NY 10017

Fax: +1206-202-3860




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